7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath for Good

7 Ways to Banish Bad Breath for Good

Team Bad Breath, Oral Health

Bad breath, or halitosis, can affect self-esteem and social and professional opportunities. If you feel self-conscious about your breath, it may be time to talk to your family dentist about solutions.

What Causes Bad Breath?

Up to 30 percent of the adult population suffers from halitosis. The condition has many potential causes:

Poor Oral Hygiene

Most patients with bad breath can improve their symptoms by improving oral hygiene. Brush and floss as your dentist instructs, and use an antibacterial mouthwash. Visit the dentist for cleanings and comprehensive exams twice yearly.

Dry Mouth

If the body's saliva production is low, halitosis can result. Smoking is one of the leading causes of dry mouth. Sleep apnea, snoring, and certain medications can also cause dry mouth.

Gum Disease

When the gums become inflamed, plaque bacteria can cause bad breath.

GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)

Patients with GERD may experience problems when stomach fluids enter the esophagus.

Head and Neck Cancer

Bad breath can be a serious warning sign for oral or oropharyngeal cancer.

Liver and Kidney Disease

These diseases may result in untreated toxins causing bad breath.

7 Ways to Combat Bad Breath

1. Hydrate

Some patients with bad breath are chronically dehydrated. Ensuring your body has enough water will encourage saliva production.

2. Clean Your Tongue

Whenever you brush your teeth, you should brush your tongue as well. You can also acquire a tongue scraper at the pharmacy.

3. Warm Salt Water Rinses

Warm salt water helps to kill bacteria naturally and flushes plaque and food particles from your mouth.

4. Visit the Dentist Frequently

Patients with bad breath may feel uncomfortable seeing the dentist, but twice-yearly visits are necessary to improve oral health. Your dentist can screen for potential oral health problems like gum disease, dry mouth, and signs of cancer.

5. Brush and Floss As Recommended

There is no substitute for proper brushing and flossing. These simple activities remove plaque and food in mere minutes.

6. Treat Gum Disease

Follow their instructions if your dentist recommends periodontal treatment like scaling and root planing.

7. See Your Primary Care Doctor

Your primary care doctor can examine you for signs of acid reflux, sleep apnea, liver and kidney disease, and other systemic health problems that could be causing your bad breath.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bad Breath

What causes the mouth to smell bad?

Bacteria coats the inside of the mouth and tongue. They can overgrow when brushing and flossing fail to keep them in check. They may also become trapped in the gums and the back of the tongue.

Should I quit smoking if I have bad breath?

Quitting smoking is always a good idea, but bad breath is an excellent reason. Quitting tobacco can improve your oral and overall health and keep your teeth whiter.

Call Dental Associates

If you want to freshen your breath and feel more confident, please call our Farmington, CT, office at 860-677-8666. We can schedule a cleaning and comprehensive exam to help you overcome this issue.